The Ubiquitous Blog

Friday, July 13, 2007

More Taiwan stuff

I forgot to add this to my previous post, so I'll say it now. I think I quite like Taiwan (from the air anyway). When we flew in to Taipei, it seemed like the totally urban areas were separated from the more rural areas by a set of mountains. The division between the two was actually quite amazing! Well, at first I was merely amazed that there are actual green mountains left near Taipei, I thought they would've been all logged and then developed by now! Then I was amazed by the great divide. It looked cool. Needless to say, I would love to explore the mountain areas. There's a huge mountain, I think it was on an island next to the ocean. I have no idea where or what it was, but it looked interesting. I'll try to take a photo of it next time (my camera was in my bag in the overhead storage compartment, unfortunately). Oh well, Taiwan explorations will have to wait until at least next year.

The photo to the left was taken at the airport. It´s some disney promotional display and you can take photos in front of it. There were actually people doing cute poses in front of it. Someone was pretending to sit on the slide (but was too big, so they stood over it instead), and lots of people had the peace sign. It´s so asian! :D

p.s. as we were landing, they showed ads of Taiwan, and how it's such a cool place to explore and meet other young people. They were trying to appeal to the caucasian backpackers. It did seem like an interesting place on the ad, but nothing is ever as it seems, especially when advertised!



At 13 July, 2007 04:01 , Blogger Neon_stamp said...

We shall climb that mountain one day. And then proclaim "Well, that wasn't so big!"

Also, I LOVE those ads on the plane promoting the country, it reminds me of "The RialtoVision Theatre presents ...Melbourne. The living City.... now available on video exclusively from our souvenir shop"


At 15 July, 2007 01:25 , Blogger Neon_stamp said...

Guess how much we spent on phone calls today!

Guess guess guess!!


Approx $412 for both of us :)

Wow! I love you THAT much. All for 2 hours worth of calls.


At 15 July, 2007 01:30 , Blogger Tactitus said...


You've arrived and started blogging already. Congratulations on the phone bill stacy. Taiwan sounds pretty cool.

You've inspired to start looking up holiday packages thingies as well. But they don't seem very informative online so i am going to go in and check things out at the travel agents. See, you inspire people, Ruiyi. Be proud!


At 15 July, 2007 04:09 , Blogger starsk said...

OH my God! U've left Australia!!! Good on China airlines for vegan food! lol

Couldnt help but laugh @ the "curse of the golden flower" part. lol trust a lesbian to notice cleavage aye =P Oh, speaking of conserved, did the japs show alot of cleavage in their kimono or do i just have that idea from too many geisha stories?

At 15 July, 2007 04:12 , Blogger starsk said...

We're gonna miss you! Thats one less queer for the queer room though u've graduated :p but still...Stacy without ruiyi is going to be a sight we have to get used to! For a lil' while ...

Have lots of fun n come back soon!! :)


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